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Case Study: Doubts fade away as sceptical business owner notes improvement in just 16 weeks.

November 10th, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Uncategorized

It was now or never for Ray.* At 41 years of age, he had been suffering hair loss for a number of years and had previously tried over the counter medications with very limited results. Ray had watched the Ashley and Martin ads on TV for a number of years and, although he had considered […]

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Case Study: Young client encouraged by his parents to seek a solution to hair loss

July 28th, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Archie* presented at the Ashley and Martin medical hair loss clinic with very poor hair quality. It was very dry and brittle and his scalp was showing through. At just 25 years old he was getting more and more concerned about his appearance and had been prompted to contact a hair loss specialist after seeing […]

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Case Study: Young FIFO worker reverses the family trend of male pattern baldness

April 27th, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Twenty-four year old Braden* was a fit and healthy FIFO worker with a steady job and no real stress in his life. What he did have was a genetic pre-disposition to androgenetic alopecia (more commonly known as male pattern baldness) from both sides of his family. Although he had been losing hair for 2-3 years […]

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Case Study: Family member urges client to get help for his hair loss and results start to show four months later

March 22nd, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Uncategorized

At Ashley and Martin, people who seek hair loss treatment earlier, rather than later, receive the best possible results. If hair loss is impacting your quality of life, their website encourages you to contact them for a free consultation to discuss how they can tailor a personalised hair loss solution to address your hair loss […]

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Case Study: Client’s confidence restored in just 16 weeks…excited to see more.

February 3rd, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

16 weeks. That’s all of the time it took for Grant* to see an immense improvement in his hair restoration. He felt good about the early result and was excited to see what the remainder of his treatment plan would look like. Grant had made an online enquiry at an Ashley and Martin Hair loss […]

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Case Study: Client’s partner gives him the push he needed…with positive results

October 28th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Janet* had been with Josh* for a number of years, both were in their late twenties but recently Janet had started to notice that Josh’s frontal hair line was slowly, but quite obviously, starting to recede. Janet had heard about Ashley and Martin hair loss clinics through a friend and, after chatting with Josh, she […]

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Case Study: Client feels ‘great’ about the very easy solution to his hair loss problem

September 24th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Over recent weeks, Jake* had been thinking that it might be worth going to see someone about his thinning crown. He was only 27 but he’d been noticing a steady thinning out of hair for the past 3 years. It had been in the back of his mind that he should maybe go and see […]

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Case Study: Self Esteem Restored Along with New Hair Growth

April 22nd, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Twenty-nine-year-old Pierce* was fit and healthy but had a strong genetic connection to male pattern hair loss on both sides of his family. Whilst he had not tried any other hair loss solutions before coming to Ashley and Martin, a family member was urging him to make an appointment to speak to a hair loss […]

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Case Study: Medical Hair Loss Treatments Able to be Done Whilst Away for Work

February 26th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Balding ran in Scott’s* family. Trying to combat the deep recession in his temporal region and weak frontal hair line inherited from his father’s side of the family, Scott had tried using over the counter remedies found at his local pharmacy. Unfortunately, nothing he tried worked and his hair continued to shed at an accelerated […]

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Case Study: Early Stage Hair Loss Addressed by Medical Hair Loss Treatment

January 8th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Encouraged by his family, Blake* booked an appointment with Ashley and Martin online to discuss the early stages of hair loss he was experiencing. Twenty years old and still a full-time student, there was no way he felt old enough to be losing his hair. And he did not want to be seen as the […]

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