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Case Study: Family member urges client to get help for his hair loss and results start to show four months later

March 22nd, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Uncategorized

At Ashley and Martin, people who seek hair loss treatment earlier, rather than later, receive the best possible results. If hair loss is impacting your quality of life, their website encourages you to contact them for a free consultation to discuss how they can tailor a personalised hair loss solution to address your hair loss concerns.

Dales* quality of life was being impacted; he was only 20 years old and was already growing concerned about his appearance due to his thinning crown. It was genetic. He knew that because there was history of hair loss on both sides of his family. His own shedding had started nearly three years ago and the ongoing hair loss was leaving his crown more and more exposed as the strands of hair became thinner and thinner.

It was another family member who urged Dale to get help at an Ashley and Martin medical hair loss clinic. At his consultation, Dale learned that he wasn’t alone – in fact, 1 in 5 men in their 20s experience significant balding. His consultant also talked to him about Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and explained that a hormone known as Dihydrotesterone (DHT), which all men carry, affects the cells inside the base of the hair root and causes the hair loss. You need to have a genetic pre-disposition to MPB for this hormone to negatively affect the hair root cells and Dale, indeed, did have a genetic pre-disposition.

The good news was that Dale had sought early intervention and signed up to the recommended 12 month RealGROWTH® treatment program on the very same day.

At his first four month review he could already see the difference in his before and after photos. His  hair was dense and healthy and had covered his crown over almost completely. He had also noticed a difference in the feel  and look of his hair…before it had been greasy and sparse – now it was soft and full. 16 weeks into his 12 month program Dale was in a good place and felt confident that his early intervention would set him in good stead for a full head of healthy hair.

*Name changed to protect privacy.