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Case Studies

Case Study: Young client encouraged by his parents to seek a solution to hair loss

July 28th, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Archie* presented at the Ashley and Martin medical hair loss clinic with very poor hair quality. It was very dry and brittle and his scalp was showing through.

At just 25 years old he was getting more and more concerned about his appearance and had been prompted to contact a hair loss specialist after seeing an ad on tv. He discussed it with his parents and they encouraged him to make an appointment and visit the clinic – they could see how his hair loss was affecting his confidence and were keen to support him any way they could.

After a thorough scalp examination, Archie’s consultant diagnosed him with male pattern baldness, Norwood level III vertex. The consultant explained that his poor hair quality was more than likely caused by the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is an androgen and high levels of androgens can shrink hair follicles causing hair to grow out looking thinner and more brittle. His consultant recommended the Ashley and Martin 12 month RealGROWTH® treatment program, explaining that the clinically proven plan actually stimulates dormant follicles and regenerates your own hair. Archie felt very reassured and went home to think about his options and discuss them with his parents.

Two days later he went back to the clinic and signed up.

Sixteen weeks after that he was sitting at his first progress review, looking at the images of his hair regrowth so far and was very happy with the result. He already knew it was working…his mates had all commented on the change and he could feel the difference when he ran his fingers through his hair – where it had been dry and brittle was now thick and soft. Archie was keen to stick to the treatment plan and couldn’t wait to see his next set of progress photos.

*name changed to protect privacy


Case Study: Young FIFO worker reverses the family trend of male pattern baldness

April 27th, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Twenty-four year old Braden* was a fit and healthy FIFO worker with a steady job and no real stress in his life. What he did have was a genetic pre-disposition to androgenetic alopecia (more commonly known as male pattern baldness) from both sides of his family.

Although he had been losing hair for 2-3 years he hadn’t yet addressed the problem…it was only in the last three months that he’d been considering seeing a professional hair loss specialist after seeing an ad for Ashley and Martin hair loss clinics on the television.

After sending an internet enquiry, Braden attended his appointment alone and discussed his options with the consultant. His hairline was receding in the temporal regions and his crown was only sparsely covered; Braden was diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness, Norwood III vertex and the 12 month RealGROWTH® program was offered to halt the shedding and provide Braden with the best possible chance of regrowing his own hair. Braden made the decision to start treatment straight away.

Three-quarters of the way through his treatment plan, Braden was feeling great about the results he was seeing. The hair loss he’d experienced over the past 2-3 years had been halted and now reversed and he was now proud to show off a thick and healthy head of hair. He was no longer concerned about his appearance and was excited to be a fit, healthy twenty-four year old with a full head of hair.

*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client’s confidence restored in just 16 weeks…excited to see more.

February 3rd, 2021 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

16 weeks.

That’s all of the time it took for Grant* to see an immense improvement in his hair restoration. He felt good about the early result and was excited to see what the remainder of his treatment plan would look like.

Grant had made an online enquiry at an Ashley and Martin Hair loss clinic after seeing an ad on TV.  At 42 years old, and with hair loss in the family, Grant could see his family history starting to repeat itself as his own hair began to thin around his vertex. Not wanting to lose more hair or waste more time he arranged his free consultation.

The entire process had been much easier than he had expected; his consultation was professional and thorough. Photos were taken of Grant’s current state of hair loss for comparison later on, and he received a medical diagnosis of early stage three vertex hair loss along with a prescribed treatment – the 12 month RealGROWTH® program with laser delivery  – all of which he could do from home.

In the past, Grant had kept his hair very short to try and make the thinning less obvious but soon after commencing his treatment he could see the changes; he was growing strong, healthy strands of new hair, densely covering his vertex, allowing him the luxury of letting his hair grow longer than he had dared for years.

Grant knew that Ashley and Martin were a company that had been around for a long time – he put his trust in the process and he got results….fast!

*Name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client’s partner gives him the push he needed…with positive results

October 28th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Janet* had been with Josh* for a number of years, both were in their late twenties but recently Janet had started to notice that Josh’s frontal hair line was slowly, but quite obviously, starting to recede. Janet had heard about Ashley and Martin hair loss clinics through a friend and, after chatting with Josh, she made an appointment so that he could speak to a consultant and discuss his options.

Josh had never considered any sort of treatment before but, with a history of male pattern baldness in the family (on his father’s side), he realised it might be time to start thinking about getting some treatment and advice. He’d been starting to feel a little bit self conscious about his hairline but Janet had encouraged him to tackle the problem head on and take the first step.

Janet and Josh both attended the initial free consultation where Josh was diagnosed with level III hair loss on the Norwood scale. Josh’s consultant reassured him that, if he acted now, the 12 month RealGROWTH®  program could deliver the results that Josh was hoping for.  The two of them took some time to consider their options and four weeks later Josh commenced the treatment that had been recommended.

With his partner backing him 100 per cent, Josh felt confident that he was doing the right thing. His consultant was friendly and professional, examining Josh’s scalp and carefully documenting his hair loss with ‘before’ photos – this way had had a starting point from which he could clearly see his own progress at his four month reviews.

By the time Josh attended his first Ashley and Martin review appointment he could clearly see that his hair had thickened and was growing back towards the front of his head, fuller and healthier than it had been for quite some time. Josh was very impressed with these early results and was very keen to keep up the positive results by diligently sticking to his treatment regime. He was extremely happy and very grateful to Ashley and Martin…and to his partner for giving him the extra push he needed.












*Name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Client feels ‘great’ about the very easy solution to his hair loss problem

September 24th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Over recent weeks, Jake* had been thinking that it might be worth going to see someone about his thinning crown. He was only 27 but he’d been noticing a steady thinning out of hair for the past 3 years. It had been in the back of his mind that he should maybe go and see a hair loss specialist and it was a random tv advertisement for an Ashley and Martin hair loss clinic that prompted him to make an online booking.

At his consultation, Jake disclosed that there was a family history of hair loss on his mother’s side and, although he was young, fit and healthy, he was growing a little concerned about his appearance – he didn’t want his thinning vertex to affect his confidence.

With a diagnosis of level III on the Norwood scale, Jake’s consultant assured him there was a great chance he would be able to regrow his hair by enrolling in the RealGROWTH® program with laser treatment. The consultant explained that the program was designed to slow the shedding on Jake’s vertex to a natural rate whilst stimulating the dormant hair follicles into their growth phase to regenerate his hair.

At his first review Jake was shown his before photo. He felt great about the amount of hair that had grown back over a period of just four months. He could see in the photos that it was now much thicker over his crown and it felt great when he ran his hands through it. Jake was surprised by how easy it has been to start fixing his hair loss problem. With such positive results in such a short period of time, he couldn’t wait to see what would be achieved in the next four months.

*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Self Esteem Restored Along with New Hair Growth

April 22nd, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Twenty-nine-year-old Pierce* was fit and healthy but had a strong genetic connection to male pattern hair loss on both sides of his family. Whilst he had not tried any other hair loss solutions before coming to Ashley and Martin, a family member was urging him to make an appointment to speak to a hair loss consultant. Attending his appointment alone after calling his local clinic, Pierce finally sought help for the hair loss that had been causing him self esteem issues for the past three years.

Looking at the loss affecting the top of the scalp and both temples, the consultant could see Pierce was showing the first signs of clinically significant balding. With his hairline showing recession in the temporal regions and his crown sparsely covered, Pierce was diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness, Norwood III vertex. After listening to exactly what was involved in medical hair loss treatment and the likely outcomes from using all aspects of the RealGROWTH® in conjunction with one another, Pierce made the decision to start treatment straight away. He had been thinking about if for a month and he was ready to stop his hair from falling out.

Adhering closely to the home-based portion of his program, Pierce took his herbal and prescription medications and applied his prescription RealGROWTH® solution. However, he did not attend the clinic regularly to receive Low Level Laser Therapy treatments. Thankfully for Pierce, with time his hair began to increase in density and thickness although he was not following all aspects of his treatment program. Having been concerned about his appearance when he first met with his hair loss consultant, he was now feeling great about the results he was seeing. The hair loss he had seen take place over three years had been significantly reversed in under six months and he was very happy with the decision he had made to speak to someone about his hair loss as soon as he had started to consider treatment.

*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Medical Hair Loss Treatments Able to be Done Whilst Away for Work

February 26th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Balding ran in Scott’s* family. Trying to combat the deep recession in his temporal region and weak frontal hair line inherited from his father’s side of the family, Scott had tried using over the counter remedies found at his local pharmacy. Unfortunately, nothing he tried worked and his hair continued to shed at an accelerated rate. Two years after he had started to lose his hair, Scott saw an ad for Ashley and Martin on the TV. Knowing he had reached his turning point well before but not known where to turn, Scott went online to find out more and request a call from his local clinic.

Attending the appointment by himself while he was home on break, the FIFO worker discussed his options with the consultant. Having seen the pattern of loss Scott was experiencing and found he was in good health with limited stress impacting him, a diagnosis of male pattern hair loss was confirmed. Addressing his level III vertex loss would take a combination of interventions, each designed to target a different aspect of the problem. This RealGROWTH® medical hair loss program was exactly what Scott was looking for, however, wanting to think things over before going ahead, it took a month before Scott’s work schedule allowed for him to return to the clinic to start his program.

Including a Laser Plus Pro laser cap in his program, Scott was able to perform his entire treatment at home and away at work without missing a single day. And the results of his commitment to the program were evident. His wife and colleagues could see the improvement medical hair loss treatment was making and his concerns about his appearance were no longer troubling him. Originally choosing Ashley and Martin due to the length of time the company had been in business, he could see that the reason for this was the ability to deliver the results that were promised.



*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Early Stage Hair Loss Addressed by Medical Hair Loss Treatment

January 8th, 2020 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Encouraged by his family, Blake* booked an appointment with Ashley and Martin online to discuss the early stages of hair loss he was experiencing. Twenty years old and still a full-time student, there was no way he felt old enough to be losing his hair. And he did not want to be seen as the young man on campus who was going bald. Quite worried about how his appearance was changing, Blake had taken the opportunity to try and solve the problem when a family member had told him about Ashley and Martin.

Examining the damage two years of increased shedding had done to Blake’s hair, the consultant could see that although the young man wore his hair just long enough to try and hide the effects, his hair had started to become quite thin through the crown and temples. Diagnosing his hair loss as early stage III vertex, the consultant laid out the most effective treatment plan to reverse the effects of the androgenic alopecia Blake had inherited from his father’s side of the family. Taking his time to fully explain what each component of the medical hair loss treatment would do and answer any questions the young man had about it, the hair loss consultant took photos of Blake’s hair so if he decided to go forward with treatment after discussing it with his family, they would have a tangible way of tracking how well Blake’s hair responded to the program.

After discussions at home, Blake contacted the clinic to start his medical hair loss treatment a week after he had come in for his consultation. And having come to Ashley and Martin with the earliest stage of androgenic alopecia to be considered as ‘baldness’, it felt good to know that over the course of his program, the people closest to him could see his hair getting thicker regardless of the fact he was not attending the clinic for regular laser therapy appointments. Thanks to his medical hair loss treatment program, Blake felt confident he was no longer going to have to go bald whilst still in Uni.



*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Treatment Leads to Positive Feedback Instead of Constant Ribbing

October 30th, 2019 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

Dale* had tried over-the-counter shampoos and other remedies that had promised to stop him losing his hair in a desperate bid to keep what he had left. In four and a half months, his hair had decreased in density from a full, healthy coverage to a sparse covering that was only getting thinner. At nineteen years old, he had not expected this to happen so soon and did not feel good about the way his aggressive hair loss was making him look older than all his other friends. Having learned about Ashley and Martin online, he called his nearest clinic to book a free consultation.

Discussing the factors contributing to his hair loss before performing a scalp examination, the consultant found that Dale had an extremely strong family history of hair loss. Each generation had been hit with the genetic hair loss Dale himself was experiencing now. Thankfully, his consultant was able to give him hope in the form of a RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program. With daily use of the multi-faceted program, the consultant expected Dale would see a substantial turn around in a matter of months. Wanting to discuss the program with his parents before signing up for treatment, Dale went away to think things over.

Shortly after his initial consultation Dale contacted the clinic, eager to get started. He was booked in to see the clinic hair loss doctor and provided with everything he needed in order to address his Norwood level III loss and regrow hair. It did not take long for Dale to realise his consultant had been right about how quickly he would see substantial new hair growth. Meeting with her again four months after he had started his program, Dale was extremely happy. Regular usage of his program had produced a great deal of new growth, especially at the hair line, and it felt good to be getting positive feedback from friends and family instead of the constant ribbing he had been getting from mates previously.

*name changed to protect privacy

Case Study: Advanced Hair Loss Addressed by Medical Hair Loss Treatment

October 27th, 2019 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies

At 50-years-old Ellis* still had a full head of hair. Seven years later, his once thick, jet black hair was fine, sparsely populated, and diminishing quickly. He had heard about Ashley and Martin on the television, but it had taken several months before he reached his turning point and took to the internet to find out more. Finding he was able to discuss his hair loss with a consultant without any out of pocket expense and no obligation to buy anything, Ellis used the online contact form to request a call back from his local clinic.

Performing a scalp examination after chatting about Ellis’ health and family history of hair loss, the consultant diagnosed him with early stage V male pattern hair loss. And while Ellis’ hair loss was quite advanced, a medical hair loss program would still be beneficial. The consultant explained the multi-faceted approach that Ashley and Martin took to addressing both the root cause of hair loss and the effects that had already taken place. Any hair loss treatment that focused on only one of these areas would fail to produced the results Ellis was looking for. Concerned about his appearance but wanting to make a considered decision, Ellis left Ashley and Martin that day to think it all over.

It took less than a week for him to made his decision.

Meeting with the clinic hair loss doctor, he had his medications prescribed and he was provided with everything he needed for the duration of his hair loss treatment program. And from there, Ellis never looked back. Diligently completing his daily treatment routine and attending laser therapy appointments regularly, his hair gradually began to regrow just as his consultant said it would. Starting from such an advanced position, Ellis had been prepared for less than favourable results; his consultant had been honest about the limitations of medical treatment as well as the benefits. However, Ellis was extremely pleased with the amount of hair he had been able to regrow by using his Ashley and Martin RealGROWTH® medical hair loss treatment.

*name changed to protect privacy