It was now or never for Ray.* At 41 years of age, he had been suffering hair loss for a number of years and had previously tried over the counter medications with very limited results. Ray had watched the Ashley and Martin ads on TV for a number of years and, although he had considered treatment, he was fairly sceptical about achieving any real results. But now, in his early forties and ‘the face’ of his own small business, he finally made the decision to contact a hair loss specialist.
At his free consultation, Ray disclosed that, as the front man of his business he wanted to look his best. Although he was in good health he was growing more concerned about his appearance and felt that his hair fall aged him beyond his years. He also disclosed that there was history of baldness in the family. After a thorough scalp examination and a few more questions, Ray’s consultant diagnosed him with male pattern baldness, level IV. He had lost a lot of hair on his vertex and his scalp showed through quite badly. The consultant advised that the earlier treatment is taken, the better the results. Ray knew he had to act now, before it was too late.
His consultant recommended the clinically proven Ashley and Martin 12 month RealGROWTH® program with low level laser therapy, however Ray was concerned about the costs and was still a little sceptical about the treatment when he left the clinic to consider his options.
Five week later he returned to sign up but opted to leave Laser therapy out of his plan. Just sixteen weeks later, at his first progress review, he was very happy with the progress photos which showed early improvement and that hair had started to regrow in the most affected areas. His partner had been watching the weekly progressions on his vertex and had commented on the vast improvement in such a short period of time.
Ray was glad that he had overcome his scepticism and returned to the clinic, his results were speaking for themselves and his confidence was taking a much needed boost.
*name changed to protect privacy