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Case Study: Small, Daily Changes in Hair Density Evident During Ashley and Martin Review of Progress

December 29th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Andrew’s* hair had been gradually becoming less dense for almost two years. While not immediately noticeable to other people, Andrew could see how much thinner his hair had become on his crown and temporal region. It had never occurred to him to treat his hair before now, but the moment he started to think about it Andrew went online to find a hair loss specialist to help him. A week after that first thought of treatment had crossed his mind, the 30 year old had researched the best hair loss treatment available and booked an appointment with Ashely and Martin.

The consultant he met with discussed all the possible contributing factors to Andrew’s hair loss with him. Andrew was in good health and did not have any major stressors impacting his life now or in the recent past. He did however have a history of hair loss on his father’s side of the family line. A scalp examination confirmed what Andrew had assumed to be true, his early stage III vertex male pattern hair loss was genetic.

Concerned about how this excessive hair fall would further impact his appearance in the future, Andrew engaged in an open conversation about the hair loss products that would be used to treat his genetic condition. All Andrew’s questions about the medications used and the proposed treatment plan were answered fully and Andrew signed up for treatment straight away.

It was at his four month Ashley and Martin Review that Andrew was truly able to see the early results of his RealGROWTH® program. The small, daily changes he had experienced certainly showed when looking at his progress photos side by side. Andrew’s hair density had increased substantially. His hair was thicker, fuller, healthier and no longer in danger of disappearing completely.






*name changed to protect privacy