Case Study: Excessive Shedding Stops After Coming to Ashley and Martin
Guy* only had childhood memories of his maternal grandfather without hair. Being so young he associated baldness with advanced ageing and viewed it as a natural part of getting old. However when he started to lose his own hair at 25 years old, he gained new insight into hair loss. Three years later he was far from being old but felt he looked much older than he was. He spoke to friends about his hair loss, asking their opinions about different intervention options. A close friend advised him to call Ashley and Martin to discuss medical intervention for his thinning hair.
Shortly after speaking to his friend, Guy made the call to Ashley and Martin. He was now 27 years old and very concerned about losing all his hair. He spoke to his consultant about the outcomes he was looking for in a hair loss treatment. He would expect that any treatment he undertook would stop him losing any more hair. It would be a bonus if it could help him regrow his hair. The consultant undertook a scalp examination to confirm the cause of Guy’s hair loss to be genetic and determine the likelihood of success with medical intervention. After diagnosing Guy with Male Pattern Hair Loss, Norwood IV the consultant spoke to him about the process of hair regrowth. The follicles in Guy’s temporal region that had died were unfortunately unable to be regrown with any medication available The only option for this would be transplantation. Medication could, however, stop him from losing any more hair and thicken the diffuse hair that was most prominent from the frontal hair line to the crown.
Satisfied with the honesty he was given and the prospect of fulfilling the outcomes he wanted to achieve when he came to the appointment, Guy signed up for a RealGROWTH® medications program. Within four months the treatment plan had done everything Guy was hoping for. The excessive shedding had stopped, his hair line was no longer receding and his existing hair had increased in density. He was pleased to find that areas on his parietal ridge which he was not expecting to regrow had moved forward.
*name changed to protect privacy