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Case Study: Ashley and Martin’s Treatment Regrows Hair and Helps Scalp Condition

March 8th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Andy* had not tried any other hair loss solution when he submitted an internet enquiry on the Ashley and Martin website.  It had taken Andy a year of consideration before deciding to commit to taking the first step towards getting treatment for his hair loss; now 34 years old and concerned about the impact it was having on his appearance, he was ready.

After diagnosing Andy’s temporal recession and thinning crown as a level III vertex on the Norwood scale, she discussed the possible impact of the medications used by Ashley and Martin on the psoriasis that was evident on Andy’s scalp.

The topical solution used as part of the RealGROWTH® program had the potential to interact with his psoriasis and either improve or inflame it.  The consultant explained that if the solution exacerbated his condition then there were other topical solutions available to him, however there was a chance he would not be suitable for treatment.

Andy’s father had lost his hair and he was greatly concerned about the same thing happening to him also.  After discussing the process involved if he was unable to use the topical solution due to his psoriasis Andy decided to enrol on a RealGROWTH® program consisting of topical RealGROWTH® solution, herbal supplements, oral anti-androgens and weekly laser treatments.  Andy was then booked in to see the doctor to discuss his use of the topical solution and to have his medications prescribed.

After four months on the program Andy came in to discuss his progress.  Although he had not attended laser treatments his results were immediately evident.  Comparison photos were taken for Andy to be able to see his progress from angles not normally visible in the mirror.  Not only had his treatment worked in regrowing his hair but his psoriasis had improved, making him feel more comfortable and improving his self-confidence.






*name changed to protect privacy