Case Study: Ashley and Martin Treatment Reverses Hair Loss
Craig* was unsure if he was ready to lose his hair. He had discussed it with a friend of his who was a client of Ashley and Martin, but he was still conflicted. Too young to be bald, but unsure if he really wanted to go ahead, Craig decided to take his friend’s advice and call Ashley and Martin to make an appointment. The appointment was free and he had nothing to lose by simply talking about it. Craig had already tried using a remedy he had bought at the chemist without results before making the call. That, to him, had been a bigger waste of time and money.
Examining his scalp, the consultant could see that the hair loss Craig was experiencing had been going on longer than the three years he and his family had been noticing it for. At only 26 years old, Craig’s hair loss was extremely advanced for his age. The substantial hair loss from his frontal hair line back to his crown was placed at a level IV on the Norwood Hair Loss scale and his consultant recommended he approach treatment with the comprehensive RealGROWTH® program. Although he had been given the opportunity to ask all the questions he had around treatment, Craig was still hesitant. He left the clinic without signing up for a RealGROWTH® program.
It was five months before Craig set foot in the clinic again. His hair loss continued to worsen and he had reached the stage of ‘now or never’. With his medication prescribed by the doctor, Craig was able to start treatment the very next morning.
His work was a barrier to attending to the clinic for laser therapy treatments, but by the time Craig returned for his first Ashley and Martin Review four months later, he had experienced astounding results. Both he and his family were thrilled with the marked difference in his hair. Craig could not believe that he had managed to regrow his lost hair in less time than it had taken him decide to go ahead with treatment.
*name changed to protect privacy