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Case Study: Ashley and Martin Helps Patient Beat Family Hair Loss Trend

April 19th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

All the men in Dave’s* family had experienced hair loss problems.  One after one he had watched his grandfather, father, uncles and brothers lose their hair in varying degrees, some eventually going completely bald. It had been 4 years since Dave first noticed his hair getting thinner above his ears and across the top of his head.  As time passed and his hair loss increased, Dave began to pay more attention to Ashley and Martin’s ads when he saw them on television.

Although he had been considering treatment for three years, it was only over the last twelve months that Dave had noticed how extensive his hair loss had become.  Concerned about the way his thinning hair was making him look, the 25 year old went online to learn more about Ashley and Martin’s treatment options.

Dave’s hair loss had initially been slow and steady and he was placed as a level IIa on the Norwood scale.  The consultant noted the temporal recession and thinning of the crown in her initial examination; she asked about his lifestyle and dietary choices, relevant medical history and family history.  After being presented with his treatment options, Dave decided to enrol on a RealGROWTH® program straight away.

It wasn’t long before Dave started to notice the hair in his temples begin to regrow, fine hairs filling in the space where they used to be.  As the weeks passed, Dave’s new hair kept appearing.  The new hair grew longer, giving him a fuller, thicker head of hair.  By the time he came for a four month check-up with his consultant, Dave was already happy with the initial results of his program.  He knew he had beaten the family trend and no one would ever be able to tell that only sixteen weeks ago he too had been on the path to going bald.






*name changed for privacy reasons