Case Study: Ashley and Martin Produce Results Where Over the Counter Hair Loss Medications Fail
Paul’s* father had lost his hair and now Paul, at 23 years old, had been diagnosed with Male Pattern Hair Loss, early Norwood stage III vertex. His hair had been gradually thinning in the temples and crown over the past two to three years and in the last three months Paul had been seriously considering seeking medical intervention for his condition.
Speaking to his consultant at his initial consultation, Paul said he had already tried over the counter products from his local chemist to try and halt the hair loss process. Watching the hair on his temples continue to fall out and recede, he could see quite clearly this course of action was not producing the results he needed and had submitted an internet enquiry on the Ashley and Martin website hoping to find something to help before it was too late.
The consultant taking care of Paul recommended he commence a RealGROWTH® program consisting of oral anti-androgens, RealGROWTH® solution, dietary supplements and laser treatments.
Although unable to attend laser treatment in the clinic, Paul was interested in speaking to the clinic doctor about treatment and booked the next convenient appointment time that was available to him. After a check-up with the doctor and the opportunity to ask any questions he had about the medications he would use, Paul decided to go ahead with the program and started treatment the same day.
Paul had been prompted to come to Ashley and Martin as he had been concerned about his appearance. Comparing his progress photos with the photos taken at his initial consultation he was thrilled with the difference the new hair made to the way he looked. Ben was no longer worried about looking old before his time or losing all of his hair.
*name changed to protect privacy