Sparse, Thin and Rapidly Decreasing to Dense, Thick and Healthy with Ashley and Martin.
Sparse. Thin. Rapidly decreasing. Adrian’s* hair had undergone a steady decline over the past three years. He had kept it long, not willing to give in to the family trait that had seen the men on his father’s side of the family lose their hair. However, at 23 years old, the state of his hair was that of a much older man. From his frontal hairline back through his part line, the density of Adrian’s Titian hair had diminished concerningly.
Adrian mulled over the thought of treating his hair loss for six months before making the decision to do so. Without wasting further time trying over the counter products he had no faith in, Adrian turned straight to the internet to find out if Ashley and Martin, whose advertising he had been impressed with, had a good reputation. Using the online contact form on the Ashley and Martin website, Adrian sent in a request and received a prompt call back.
After taking Adrian’s background information and conducting a scalp examination, the consultant Adrian met with diagnosed him with early stage III Vertex male androgenic alopecia. And with no known underlying medical conditions or excessive stress levels impacting the hair growth cycle, a RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program was recommended. This multi-faceted program was the ideal way to address the genetic causes of the hair loss, slow the shedding to a normal rate and regrow what had been lost.
Adrian took the information he had been given home with him to consider it all further. A month later he was ready to book an appointment with the clinic doctor to move forward with treatment. Prescribed and provided with all the components of his program during his consecutive appointments with the consultant and clinic doctor, Adrian went home to start his treatment.
After sixteen weeks of completing his simple, daily treatment routine, Adrian returned to the clinic for an Ashley and Martin review. And his progress photos said it all. He felt great seeing the drastic changes in the density of his hair on the screen in front of him. Where he had previously been able to see straight through to his scalp, his hair was now thick and healthy all the way back to his crown. In less time than it had taken to make the decision to contact Ashley and Martin, Adrian’s hair had gone from sparse, thin and rapidly decreasing to dense, thick and healthy.

*Name changed to protect privacy