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Case Study: Treatment Leads to Positive Feedback Instead of Constant Ribbing

October 30th, 2019 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Dale* had tried over-the-counter shampoos and other remedies that had promised to stop him losing his hair in a desperate bid to keep what he had left. In four and a half months, his hair had decreased in density from a full, healthy coverage to a sparse covering that was only getting thinner. At nineteen years old, he had not expected this to happen so soon and did not feel good about the way his aggressive hair loss was making him look older than all his other friends. Having learned about Ashley and Martin online, he called his nearest clinic to book a free consultation.

Discussing the factors contributing to his hair loss before performing a scalp examination, the consultant found that Dale had an extremely strong family history of hair loss. Each generation had been hit with the genetic hair loss Dale himself was experiencing now. Thankfully, his consultant was able to give him hope in the form of a RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program. With daily use of the multi-faceted program, the consultant expected Dale would see a substantial turn around in a matter of months. Wanting to discuss the program with his parents before signing up for treatment, Dale went away to think things over.

Shortly after his initial consultation Dale contacted the clinic, eager to get started. He was booked in to see the clinic hair loss doctor and provided with everything he needed in order to address his Norwood level III loss and regrow hair. It did not take long for Dale to realise his consultant had been right about how quickly he would see substantial new hair growth. Meeting with her again four months after he had started his program, Dale was extremely happy. Regular usage of his program had produced a great deal of new growth, especially at the hair line, and it felt good to be getting positive feedback from friends and family instead of the constant ribbing he had been getting from mates previously.

*name changed to protect privacy