Case Study: Ashley and Martin Treatment Plan Appeals to Client
While he had never gone down the path of treating his own hair loss himself, Atma was still only young. At 23 years of age, he was already experiencing early stage III vertex androgenic alopecia. Unsure where to start and who to trust, Atma researched his options online. After sifting through all the information available to him, he decided to contact Ashley and Martin through the online contact form. It was quick, easy and did not take long for him to receive a call back from a representative from his local clinic.
He was invited to come to the clinic to meet with a consultant who would examine his hair loss and discuss the most effective treatment options open to him. After a year of wishing he could fix his thinning hair and becoming increasingly concerned about the way it made him look, Atma took the plunge and booked the appointment.
The scalp examination Atma’s consultant performed indicated that he had been losing his hair for as long as three years. This loss, whilst having started in Atma’s teens was not only treatable, but the consultant had confidence Atma would regain all the hair he had lost using the RealGROWTH® program. Hesitant about committing straight away, Atma went home to think things over and, once he had decided to go ahead with treatment, he called the clinic to book an appointment with the clinic doctor.
The treatment was to be performed at home with regular appointments at the clinic for laser treatments. And while Atma did not attend the clinic for his low level laser therapy often, he did keep up with his daily routine. It was not until he attended the clinic for an Ashley and Martin progress review that Atma truly began to see the benefits of his program. Until seeing photos taken that day compared to ones from his initial appointment, Atma had been dubious of any new hair growth at all. However, looking at these comparison photos, there was no denying that his program had worked. The sparse coverage across the front through to his crown was now thick, full and healthy again.
*name changed to protect privacy