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Case Study: Ashley and Martin Perth Clinic Patient Solves Hair Loss

January 14th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

For 20 years Tom* had been watching his hair gradually fall out, leaving him with a receding hairline and a sparse covering of hair on his crown.  What hair was left was thinly distributed, dry and brittle.   Never having tried any other treatments for his shedding hair, Tom finally decided it was time to do something about his hair loss at 57 years old.  After talking to a friend who recommended he call Ashley and Martin about his problem, Tom went online and submitted an internet enquiry on the Ashley and Martin website.

Like his father before him, Tom was diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness and his consultant placed him at a level III vertex on the Norwood Hair Loss scale.  Taking into consideration Tom’s age, his medical history and health Tom’s consultant recommended a full RealGROWTH® program comprising of RealGROWTH® topical solution, herbal supplements, specialised hygiene products and regular laser treatments.  Keen to start his own hair regrowing, Tom enrolled straight away.  Able to start his hygiene and herbal supplements that night, Tom also booked in to see the clinic doctor to have his topical solution prescribed.

Although Tom was unable to come to the clinic for regular laser appointments, he still found that he obtained incredibly pleasing results from the program.  His own hair had regrown, becoming more dense all over.   Tom’s hairline had visibly come forward and the hair on his crown had noticeably filled in.  Discussing the results he could see at his four month check-up, Tom appeared to be exuding more confidence than when he first walked in and was happy he had listed to his friend who had suggested he speak to Ashley and Martin.






*name changed to protect privacy