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Case Study: Ashley and Martin Client Sees Early Results Reflected in the Mirror

May 17th, 2016 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Cameron* had been watching the hair on his temples and parietal ridge slowly recede since he had turned 24.  Now, at 27 years old he was starting to get rather concerned about how much hair he would have left when he turned 30.  It only took a few weeks of consideration before Cameron went online to find out what could be done about his receding hair line.  Cameron stumbled across Ashley and Martin’s website and was pleased to find that it was as easy as filling in a short form for him to start the process of getting his hair taken care of.

As soon as he was able, Cameron came in to see his consultant.  During that first appointment the consultant found out that Cameron’s father had also lost his hair.  With no medical issues or high stress levels present, Cameron was diagnosed with early stage III vertex Male Pattern Hair Loss.  The consultant took photos of Cameron’s hair; if Cameron chose to go ahead with treatment they would be able to honestly assess how the program was working for him by comparing these photos with ones that would be taken at the progress check-up.

Cameron was happy that his progress on the RealGROWTH® program he was being offered would be tracked with photographs, he felt that this transparency with his results was better a ‘his word against mine’ approach to tracking his future hair regrowth. He decided to sign up.

Too busy to come in for Low Level Laser Therapy appointments, Cameron signed up for a medications program.  Four months later, after following the program every day, he returned for the progress check-up he had been looking forward to.  Just looking at his hair in the mirror every day he had been able to see small changes, but it had been difficult to tell just how much hair had grown back.  Looking at his comparison photos he could see the vast improvement.  The spot on his crown that had been sparsely populated with hair was now completed covered.  And the recession in his temples had begun to grow forward with brand new hair.  Cameron was very pleased with his RealGROWTH® results.






*name changed to protect privacy